Friday 6 March 2015

Just a little bit about me

As you hopefully should know by now, my name is Brian, and I'm currently in my fourth year at QUT, and also my last semester! So obviously I am rather excited about this semester overall. This blog has been created for the unit IAB260 Social Technologies. I have dabbed into other fields as well apart from IT, such as film, creative writing, game design and more, because I wanted to learn as much as I possibly could in the amount of time I had.

Apart from uni, I also work at BWS part time. Though I haven't actually had a notable promotion apart from being made part-time (BWS only really has sales assistants and then managers), I can basically run the whole store by myself now.

Outside of work and university, I do a lot of Hapkido, the occasional Taekwondo class, as well as gym and other fitness classes. I'm a little paranoid about becoming unhealthy, there's too much fast food and internet everywhere!
This is me in all my glory

I'd like to think I'm a funny guy. Most photo's that can be seen of me, I will usually be pulling a face of some sort, though there are some good photos as well... I just don't upload them. I'll always be looking for somewhere to crack a joke, or 'make a funny', but I'm also very focused when things need to be serious. 

The final thing about me that I can tell, is I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Whenever I try to do something, I'll attempt to do it to the best of my ability, no matter what it is. The only problem with me is getting started on doing whatever that something may be.

And that's about as much as I can tell about myself. I hope you'll all stay tuned to this blog to find out more about what I blog. I shall endeavour to make it as good a read as possible!

Brian F signing out!

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