Sunday 8 March 2015

The One True Online Identity

Well here we are. It's my second blog post. I'm glad we could all be here together to witness this moment. After all, blogging is all about sharing my experience with everyone else(as well as my opinion). So let's have a look at the Online Identity that I intend to create.

Personally, I haven't used many social networks other then the most basic and popular. Facebook (though I am becoming rather tired with Facebook these days), Snapchat and Instagram are the essentials. I have tried my hand at Tumblr, Google+ and Twitter, but I've never truly gotten into the spirit of these social networks. They just don't hit me in my social networking sweet spot, you know?

When it comes to blogging, I'm even more inept because of my lack of interest in blogging, or my lack of knowledge on it. I've only ever done a couple of classes that required blogging, but if I say so myself, I didn't pick it up as well as I could have. Nothing ever seems good enough to blog about. It may be a reason why I enrolled into this class, to gain more blogging skills. I need to learn not to ramble, and to get to the point faster. I need to personalise my blogs. I need to have a more interesting life to blog about. So on and so forth.

Personality on a blog is important from what I've gleaned from other people's blogs. You can blog about something as much as you want but the real popular ones are the ones that people can connect with because they feel like genuine people with genuine everyday problems. My goal is to try to be as genuine as possible, which may be a little difficult seeing as I have a tendency to be rather professional and boring during most pieces of uni work. A small problem, but easily fixed I hope.

I prefer to keep my professional life separate from my personal life. I barely post on Facebook or Snapchat about my personal life's goings on already, and I only add people that I know or have met. So when I post online, I am comfortable in knowing that whatever I post will safely be protected by my friends and family. Otherwise, if I add more people that I'm not sure about, I usually place them into groups where I can exclude them from certain posts. I like the divide, keeping my professional life away from my personal. It gives me two different worlds I can live in, two different Brian's I can be. A strange look on it I admit, but my view nonetheless.

Well then, I hope that helped you all understand what sort of blogger I'm aiming to be after reading this.
Adios friend.
This is Brian.
Signing Out.

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